Birmingham Stallions Mascot Stanley Shirt - Elise
Birmingham Stallions Mascot Stanley Shirt
That gift-giving tradition was married to the Birmingham Stallions Mascot Stanley Shirt of a certain St. Nicholas who came to symbolize the gift-giving spirit of Christmas. Nicholas really was a third-century monk with a penchant for charity. But the journey from celebration of the piously charitable visage of St. Nick to the crass economic powerhouse of Santa Claus was driven more by commercial interests than any sense of propriety for the Christian holiday known as Christmas. By the time the 1800s rolled around in America, the Christmas gift-giving season was being actively promoted by business interests who saw a commercial opportunity in the Christmas holiday. From there, the hype surrounding the Christmas holidays sprouted even more characters associated with the season. The spinoffs from the Santa Claus legend include Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, the Grinch Whole Stole Christmas and the Charlie Brown Christmas (cartoon.) These holiday programs are watched with almost religious devotion along with many versions of A Christmas Carol and the transformative tale of Ebenezer Scrooge.

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